Raku Workshop

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Name: Raku Workshop
Date: January 25, 2025 - January 26, 2025
Event Description:
Join me for a 2-day workshop covering standard and horsehair raku preparation and firing. No prior ceramics experience is required for this workshop! Be sure to wear natural fabric clothing that fully covers your arms and legs. Each day will be 6hrs duration (4hr class + 2hrs for additional firing if required to finish everyone’s pieces). Each student will be provided with two simple bisqued pieces, one for each type of firing. Additional pieces will be available for sale ($20-$30 each depending on size). Students are encouraged to bring up to 2 pieces of their own to be fired in either raku or horsehair. Day 1: Focused on preparing and firing raku pieces. Following a brief glazing demo, students will glaze their own pieces. The glazed pieces will then be fired in a raku kiln, reduced in fiery reduction chambers, dunked in cold water, cleaned up and taken home to enjoy! Day2: Horsehair is typically applied to pieces that have been coated with Terra Sigillata (TS). The day will start with a demo of how TS is applied, followed by a horsehair application demo. For the next firing, students will try applying horsehair. Additional firings will be done to complete horsehair and any remaining standard raku pots. AGES: 16+
Jansen Art Center 321 Front Street Lynden, WA 98264
Date/Time Information:
Saturday and Sunday, January 25-26, 2025 11:00 am – 4:00 pm
Contact Information:
Jansen Art Center 360-354-3600 info@jansenartcenter.org
CLASS FEES: $100 **Those who purchased a membership on or before January 2, 2025, may still use their membership code until the membership expires. MATERIALS FEE: Two small bisque fired pots included with class fee. Additional larger vessles will be available for purchase from the instructor, for Raku firing during the workshop, at $20 each.
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